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PSI Initiation Requirements

1. Pay Required Initiation Fees and Chapter Dues - Every candidate for membership shall pay to the Fraternity their Initiation fees and Chapter dues, which shall be transmitted by the chapter to the Executive Financier within 3 weeks of initiation.

2. Successfully Complete the Leadership Training Program - Attendance and participation at mandatory scheduled Leadership Training Program events is required IN ORDER to be initiated into the XI THETA PSI Fraternity, Inc.  The minimum training period requirement for both Undergraduate and Professional Chapters is 28 days. The Leadership Training Program does not apply to Kleos membership.

A. Undergraduate Chapters - During the Undergraduate Leadership Training Program, each prospective       member must successfully complete the following four training phases:

  • Phase 1 focuses on Fraternity & Chapter History Education, Founder biographies, Fraternity traditions, and Fraternity etiquette, and team building activities.

  • Phase 2 focuses on grooming trainees to become representatives of the XI THETA PSI by developing project management, networking, and leadership skills; Lectures about the Afro-Latino and Inca cultures will also be included.

  • Phase 3 focuses on implementing the skills learned from Phases 1 & 2, resulting in a series of chapter projects at the discretion of the Chapter President.

  • Phase 4 focuses on completing two impactful community service projects for:

    • Campus Community: Cultural  or Mental Health Awareness Event

    • Local Community: Mental Health Awareness/Wellness event in collaboration with a local community based/non-profit organization

B. ​​Professional Chapters - During the Professional Leadership Training Program, each prospective     

     member must successfully complete the following four training phases:

  • Phase 1 focuses on Fraternity & Chapter History Education, Founder biographies, Fraternity traditions, and Fraternity etiquette, and team building activities.  ​

  • Phase 2 focuses on grooming trainees to become representatives of XI THETA PSI by developing project management, networking, and leadership skills; Lectures about the Afro-Latino and Inca cultures will also be included.

  • Phase 3 focuses on implementing the knowledge and skills acquired during Phases 1 & 2, resulting in a chapter project at the discretion of the Chapter President.

  • Phase 4 focuses on completing one impactful community service project for:

    • Local Community: Mental Health Awareness/Wellness event in collaboration with a local community based/non-profit organization

C. Training Periods

  • Undergraduate Chapters may have different training period lengths due to each educational institution's new member intake polices and regulations.

    • The maximum training period for Undergraduate Chapters may not exceed 49 days.

  • Professional Chapters may have different training period lengths due to chapter culture.

    • The maximum training period for Professional Chapters may not exceed 56 days.

3. Pass the PSI Proficiency Examination The PSI Proficiency Examination shall be taken no less than six days prior to initiation. The exam will be taken electronically. Upon final results, a majority chapter vote shall be required to decide candidacy for initiation.

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