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Afro-LatinX refers to individuals from Mexican, Central American, South American, or Caribbean communities who identify with and acknowledge their African ancestry.

Since its founding, XI THETA PSI has identified and hosted multiple on-campus activities promoting Afro-Latino culture.  Such events included Capoeira shows, Salsa Night, Step performances, and supported various cultural and social clubs and organizations, such as A.I.M., LASU, CSU, BSU, and the Boys' and Girls' Club of Utica.

Listed below are two up and coming Afro-Latinos:


Jason "EBO" Marrero

Spanish Harlem’s Own Film Director | Writer | Producer



Dewayne DeRozzo

CEO, Forever Noir

Below are a list of Afro-Latino educational and film/media resources that may pique your interest:


Remezcla, a Latino-owned digital magazine, published a list of 10 films magnifying Afro-Latino experiences Film lengths range from 3 minutes to 20 minutes and all are definitely worth the watch.

Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. hosts the Black In Latin America docuseries.  First aired on PBS in 2011, each episode is about one hour and captures various cultural, socio-political, and historic issues. Our top four recommended episodes are:

TheGrio, a free premium and digital media network that delivers news as it happens, award winning movies, sports, lifestyle, and classic TV shows focused on the African American community. 

TheGrio's documentary, Afro-Latinx Revolution: Puerto Ricoproduced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center, documents the impact of the hurricanes and political unrest on Afro-Latino communities.  Reported through the lenses of Puerto Rican and Afro-LatinX residents, scholars, and community activists, these tenacious individuals share their experiences encountering racism, police abuse, gentrification, and substandard schools. 


Latinx Studies: Library of Congress Resources

Highlights resources part of the Library of Congress collections related to the history, cultures, literature, politics, experiences, and performing arts of the Latinx community in the United States. You will find links to primary sources through a curated list of collections organized by format, electronic databases to locate journals and scholarly articles, and a bibliography with links to search the Library of Congress Online Catalog.

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Located in Harlem, one of The New York Public Library’s renowned research libraries, the Schomburg Center is a world-leading cultural institution devoted to the research, preservation, and exhibition of materials focused on African American, African Diaspora, and African experiences.

Afro-Latino Association for Policy & Advocacy: Transformative Leadership for Communities (ALAPA)

ALAPA serve as a resource center, safe space, policy advocacy for legislation at all levels of government, cultural advocacy of cultures, histories, and experiences of Afro-Latinos in the Americas and the Caribbean. Their aim is to expand the conversation about identity, culture, liberation and justice for people by facilitating, developing, and collaborating, with partners internationally and on the local level.  


Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA)

Established in 1972, ALPFA'S mission to "empower and develop Latino men and women as leaders of character for the nation, in every sector of the global economy" has successfully stood the test of time. They offer free membership and sponsor many national and local professional and social networking events. 

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