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Since the Founders and many of the early initiates were raised In urban neighborhoods where educational, financial, and social inequities were visibly a daily reminder of their lives. Luckily, our Founders were able to challenge these inequities by leaving their neighborhoods and attending an institution of higer education. During winter and summer breaks, several Brothers learned that a few of their childhood friends were incarcerated, while others were unfortunately involved in fatal street altercations.


XI THETA PSI is committed to the advancement and empowerment of the next generation of men of color. Our proposed plan is to develop and implement our PROFESSIONAL, SOCIAL, & INSPIRATIONAL (P.S.I.) INITIATIVES that combine Mental Health Awareness via mentorship, fellowship, social, and educational activities.


Applying the "Community Impact" approach, our strategy is to collaborate with established non-profits and population specific community based organizations to implement our initiatives. These initiatives will also be implemented in collegiate and professional environments.


Our future P.S.I. Initiatives include:


BOWTIE Initiative

A Professional initiative providing mentorship for underserved male youth.  Activities and topics focus on professionalism, opportunity awareness, study habits and strategies, resume writing, community service activities, etc.



¡YO SOY! Initiative

A Social initiative promoting self acceptance, authenticity, validation, intellectual curiosity, cultural research and competence, cultural pride, diversity awareness, body positivity, and other self/social detriments that affect today's undeserved youth.



PHOENIX Initiative

An Inspirational initiative focusing on male mental health and wellness. Knowledge sharing and outreach will occur via social medial platforms, fraternity website, sporting events, social outings, networking, and webinars.

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