There are many perks about joining a Greek organization, such as building a strong network, performing social service activities, engaging in various social and cultural experiences, developing leadership skills, obtaining direct accessibility to academic & professional resources, and fostering everlasting relationships & countless memories, are some of the many reasons to join a Greek organization, like XI THETA PSI Fraternity, Incorporated.
Below are statistics detailing the outcomes of joining a Fraternities or Sorority:
Greeks make up 3% of the population in the US
All but two US Presidents since 1825 have been fraternity men.
Over 75% of US Congress members were in fraternities or sororities
Over 85% of Fortune 500 executives are Greek
76% of the US Senate is Greek
More than 7 million men and women in the US and Canada are Greek
71% of Greeks graduate while only 50% of Non-Greeks graduate from college
Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by Greeks
Since 1910, 85% of Supreme Court Justices have been Greek
Two women elected to the Supreme Court were in a sorority
Three Canadian Prime Ministers have been Greek
Over 85% of the student leaders are members of the Greek Community
There are more than 7,000 chapters at over 800 campuses in the United States and Canada with over 500,000 undergraduate members
The entire Greek-letter system has over 20,000 chapters
63% of all Cabinet members since the year 1900 have been Greek
The overall Greek GPA is higher than the overall collegiate GPA in the US